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Friday, May 14, 2010

NAYS Crystal Lake 2010 Tournament Wrap-up

Another character building tournament weekend, no question. A one point loss with a chance to win in the semis is a hard thing to swallow. We didn't come away with medals this time, but there is no question in my mind that we could have won this tournament.

I felt we had our opportunities down the stretch, but the roll and the bounce just didn't go our way when we needed it to. I think we must remember the opportunities were there to win and to forget the things we have no control over.

This Team is coming together and there is a lot to be excited about with this group!

As a coach, I always reflect back after a tough loss like this and ask myself; "Where there opportunities to put us in a better position to win?"... Its easy for me to play Monday morning quarterback and list all the "shoulda coulda" items. No doubt I'm my toughest critic.

We'll continue to find ways to improve and we won't accept excuses!

I want to leave you with a favorite quote of mine....

"People do not differ in their desire to win;....they differ in the price they are willing to pay to win."

MAYB Iowa City here we come!!!!

Lets continue to prepare and pay the price!

Coach Bowman

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We Play Like We Practice

One thing as a coach I have always believed regarding teams is that “We Play Like We Practice”. Going hand in hand with that thought is “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance”(The 5 P’s).

Those of you who are putting individual time into your game are helping your team’s performance plus you are moving forward as a basketball player.

Are you serious about taking your game forward? We Play Like We Practice.

-- Coach Bowman

Monday, May 3, 2010

"John Wooden" Wisdom

I'm currently reading the book "Wooden" by Steve Jamison and from time to time I'd like to share some of the things I'm reading that I feel are insightfull and important life skills....

Are you looking for the Right Things?

"There's an old story about a fellow who went to a small town in Indiana with the thought of possibly moving his family there. "What kind of people live around?" he asked the attendant at the local filling station.

"Well", the attendant replied as he checked the oil, "what kind of people live back where you're from?" The visitor took a swallow of his cherry soda and replied, "They're ornery, mean and dishonest!" The attendant looked up and answered, "Mister, you'll find them about like that around here, too."

A few weeks later, another gentlemen stopped by the gas station on a muggy July afternoon with the same question. "Excuse me," he said as he mopped off his brow. "I'm thinking of moving to your town with my family. What kind of people live around these parts?"

Again the attendant asked, "Well, what kind of people live back where you're from?"
The stranger thought for a moment and replied, "I find them to be kind, decent and honest folks." The gas station attendant looked up and said, "Mister, you'll find them about like that around here, too."

Its so true. You often find what you're looking for"
--John Wooden